I offer support for EYFS practice at all levels:
Building on core research and evidence based school improvement service, I share my passion for Early Years Practice.
"Through her vision and drive for excellence in Early Years, Emma completely transformed the Early Years and Foundation Stage at school. The environment is now language-rich, shows high engagement and excellent behaviour. Emma has an excellent understanding and interest in EYFS, and she has organised training for MAT EYFS leaders and Headteachers which has impacted strongly"
- Mr T. Lacey, CEO, Oak Trees Multi-academy Trust
I offer support to Headteachers and Subject Leaders:
If you need an experienced hand to help your school to improve, someone to support your subject leaders with their curriculum leadership, or if you're just not sure where to start with evidence-based practice in your school, then I am there to guide you.
I will review your curriculum in line with your intent:
If you need some support to challenge your curriculum, to ensure that 'pupils know more and are able to do more' either at SLT or subject leader level, I am able to help you.
Do you want support to examine your curriculum offer using your intent and learning sequences? Question those choices and explore the evidence base on which they sit. I am able to help you.
Are you struggling with capacity issues?
I can provide support in any aspect of teaching and learning:
"Emma has an excellent understanding of what good teaching and learning looks like. She raised the quality of teaching at the school and the morale of staff through her understanding of the well-being agenda, and by developing professional and supportive relationships. She is well-liked and respected by the staff at the school and her commitment was exemplary - she always went above and beyond to put the school first".
- Headteacher, Cheshire West & Chester
I have a long history of working with SEND issues within mainstream primary schools:
"Emma has excellent knowledge and understanding of the SEND agenda and played a pivotal role in developing this for us. During her time at the school she built an inclusive culture with tailored provision for SEN pupils. Emma has a particular strength in this area which benefited the school and the trust"
- Mr T. Lacey, CEO, Oak Trees Multi-academy Trust